Fault Code 03 on hybrid inverter

  • I have the 3kW Hybrid inverter, running at 24v, with 2 banks of LIFE 12v batteries, 24 each bank.
    Hooked up to 12 250w 30v solar panels wired as 6 banks (60v) of 2 panels each.
    Been running fine for over a year,generator as backup, which I run weekly just to check it works.
    In the last year I've needed the generator only after 4 days of overcast.

    Suddenly, today, I get a fault code 03 (no battery)
    I measure the batteris, 2 banks, both at 26.5v.

    I measure the voltage at the input to the inverter, 6.5v.
    So? I turn everything off, PV first (both banks), battery second, inverter last.

    The 6.5v reading gradually drops at the input terminals to the inverter.

    Wait 2 hours, restart everything, same result.

    So it seems I have a dead inverter, anyone have any suggestions? 

  • Did you ever get a response, mine is doing the exact same thing


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