Free Car Check: Worth it or Waste of Time?

  • Hi everyone! I'm looking to buy a used car soon and I've seen a few websites offering "free car checks." They seem too good to be true! Do these checks actually tell you anything important, or are they a waste of time?

  • Absolutely, I hear you. Scams are a real concern when shopping for a used car online. While those free car check services offer convenience, relying solely on them might leave you vulnerable. They're a good starting point, giving insights into basic details like mileage and reported accidents. However, they might miss crucial information like hidden damages or outstanding recalls. It's crucial to supplement these checks with thorough research, including a professional inspection and a detailed vehicle history report. Take the time to dig deeper before making a decision.

  • Here's the catch: free checks won't tell you about any major repairs the car might have needed. They also won't show any outstanding finance on the car, which could cause problems down the line.

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