5000watt hybrid inverter keeps shutting off 120 load randomly??

  • I just installed my 5000watt 48volt hybrid inverter to my off grid cabin and it is wired to my 120 breaker box. Even though battery bank is full the minute the sun is down the inverter will randomly cut off the load for a few minutes then restart. I tried reaching out to customer service with no response so was wondering if anyone here may have some insight?

  • What's the setting for Option #01? And what load was connected to the inverter?

  •  i have the same problem  my option 1 is set to sol

  • @John Neff if Eco-worthy took themself serious, they publish a llist of setting for the inverter and the eco-worthy battery's. The manual is insufficient to make the good settings. 



  • Bonjour , je possede également un converter hybryde de 5000 W , j'ai aussi des problèmes de réglage , de parametres ,mais je pense avoir trouvé.

    J'ai egalement 2batteries de 24 V en série , mais Eco-worthy me les remplacent car elle chutent rapidement de 52 v a 0 volts .

    J'attends les nouvelle en 48 v en paralelle , pour etre sur qu'il n'y a pas un désiquilibre de charge en serie.

    Je vous transmet mes réglages a vous de voir ...

    01/Sbu 04/49.6 voltts 05/57.2v 06/Snu 07/60 A 08/ L16 09/58.4 11/58.4 12/48v 14/50v 15/46v 35/52v et enfin le 37/56v

    Merci pour vos retour


  • You have your 01 setting at sol and as you loose sunlight it will cycle off and on as the as it drops below and above the pv voltage threshold. I installed a pv contactor with a clock function to just drop out at a specific time of day when the sunshine gets low. Mine cuts off at 6 pm so it doesn't switch from battery to bypass continuously. 

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